The CEO of Talks & Tools
Tajuana Thewlies
About Tajuana Thewlies
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Tajuana is a highly-rated Instigator of Inspiration with 10+ years of experience
as a Certified Life Coach and group facilitator. Tajuana works with groups,
individuals, and organizations to amplify their authenticity, cultivate self-kindness and empower them to become a better version of themselves through gratitude, kindness, prosperity and meditation. Tajuana is also the host of What the Quote Podcast.
Tajuana's Story
For almost 30 years, I have danced to the beat of 2 drums, the Rolls-Royce drum of training in a corporate environment, but didn’t really allow me to use my gifts, passions, or creativity. The other drum of Mimosa and a Masterpiece that was all about my creativity, but never quite gave me the safety to leave Rolls-Royce altogether.
Over the past 25 years, I learned to feel safe again, courageous enough to use my voice, and confident enough in my journey of healing to be a vessel for others to heal.
At Talks and Tools, I help business and organization leaders shift their corporate culture by amplifying authenticity, cultivating kindness, and allowing employees to feel safe with practical tools for immediate use!
I give you the tools that I wish I had when I started. The tools that helped me feel safe, empowered, and grounded enough to leave this place better than I found it. I help you do that through Coaching, Keynotes, Workshops, Books, and Podcasts! I figured out how to feel safe again and I can help you do the same.
I never fit in. I never felt safe to be me. I always felt as if I was acting like someone I really wasn’t or being what I thought other people wanted me to be so they would like me. Always choosing to betray myself for other people who were louder, smarter, or more talented than I was. It was always so easy for me to see the gifts, talents, and magic of other people instead of my own.
The Foundation
I realized that many times I thought people really didn’t know me, when in reality, I really didn’t know myself.
As my life began to unfold, I began to take steps that would lead me back to me. This process began with my certification as an Executive and Life Coach at the CAPP Institute. This allowed me to learn the impact of asking the right questions about why my life was unfolding the way it was and getting the lesson from each unfolding.
I continued the journey by hiring a Business Coach who led me to a Leadership and Personal Development Program called Zarvos. Zarvos helped me to see that people-pleasing had a lot to do with unworthiness. As a
side note, it was here that I met my husband as he would often come back a serve as a coach!
In 2019, I said yes to a 2-year personal development program with Iyanla Vanzant that would stretch,
uncover, transform, and lead me to my innermost tender parts so that I could heal, create safety and be bold
enough to fly like an Eagle.
The Tools
I am an entrepreneur and visionary at heart and have successfully launched and scaled multiple businesses
including Mimosa and a Masterpiece and Essence of Green Soy Candles. I am a passionate Cultivator of
Corporate Kindness, Gratitude and Kindness and believes this starts with each of us being kind to ourselves.
I am a certified Life and Executive Coach through CaPP Institute of Coaching and Positive Psychology and a
multi-book published author. I am also the creator and the host of the “What the Quote” podcast.
I am on a mission to create a kinder world by inspiring, cultivating and teaching corporations effective tools such as mindfulness, gratitude, and abundance via keynotes, workshops, books, and coaching.
My ideal clients are business and organization leaders looking to improve workplace and organizational cultures by providing their teams with inspiration and practical tools to live a kind and harmonious life, at home AND in the workplace.
The Building
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